"Haunt hunt"

Films: Haunt (2019)

Alias: Devil, Witch, Mitch the Ghost, Clown, Zombie

Type: Natural

Location: Haunted Home

Height/Weight: That of average humans.

Affiliation: Evil

Summary: Haunted houses are interesting attractions, to say the least. That is, when they're billed as such. Most of it is fake, so you don't have to worry about getting killed. And then, you actually have reason to worry...

History: There's a haunted house in Carbondale, Illinois, and a few friends can't wait to try it out. But no one told them to proceed with caution. For the place is being stalked by a quartet of mostly nameless masked killers serving a cult that requires them to emulate monsters and take the faces of their victims. The house is full of tricks and traps, and only the sharpest knives in the drawer will get out alive.

Notable Kills: The Witch drives a hot poker into one's head, and Mitch takes another's face after killing him with a hammer.

Final Fate: Devil is tricked into getting blasted by his own shotgun trap, Mitch is double-teamed and killed, the Witch meets a violent end before the survivors escape, and the Clown, after burning down the whole house, tracks the survivors down...only to be caught in a trap and blasted with a shotgun.

Powers/Abilities: None.

Weakness: Anything conventional.

Scariness Factor: 3.5-Masked guys are always creepy, but so is a whole group of them that want your face for nefarious deeds. Sure, some of them are actually quite nice, but the rest will have them killed on the spot for showing basic decency. Also, not a single room is safe.

Trivia: -This film was actually shot in Fort Thomas, Kentucky.

-Both the script for this film and "A Quiet Place" were written at the same time, and both were expected to never see the light of day.

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After all, us humans exist.

Certainly not any heads.

"Meet my extended family!"
Or scream, like this fellow.

Before his trip to Hell.
